
On the evening of July 18th, unveiled a riveting new addition to its collection, a series that grips from the outset with an atmosphere of suspense and intrigue. The pilot episode is nothing short of spectacular, setting the stage for what promises to be a thrilling journey.


The series in question is none other than "The House Unclaimed," a spine-tingling mystery starring a talented ensemble cast including Naruehun Kulaumkornphet, Chayapol Juijirat, Thanawat Sricharoen, Claudia Chakraborty, and Rujira Banluekam. This chilling saga has been unleashed all at once, offering viewers seven episodes, each approximately fifty minutes long, to devour at their leisure.

The narrative unfolds against the backdrop of a perplexing enigma, centered around an eerie night when the lights flickered out. Amidst the darkness, a titan of the gemstone trade was beset by a swarm of butterflies, leading to a fatal tumble down the stairs. His demise was as abrupt as it was unexplained.

The scene then shifts to the somber atmosphere of the deceased's funeral, where his strikingly beautiful wife, a former maid, sits alone in the hall, her face etched with sorrow.


The arrival of the gemstone magnate's kin stirs up the solemn air, as they demand that the young widow vacate the front row, reserved exclusively for family. It is the eldest son who ascends to the podium, tears streaming down his face as he recounts memories of his father. The widow, unable to contain her tears, quietly retreats, and we are transported back in time to the day of the patriarch's birthday celebration.

It was on this very occasion that the gemstone mogul, in full view of his guests, announced his engagement to the maid, bestowing upon her a necklace that had once belonged to his ex-wife. This act ignited a storm of anger within his sons, who found themselves at the brink of eruption.

That fateful night, the gemstone mogul met his end under mysterious circumstances. The widow, convinced it was murder, voices her suspicions to the investigating officer, but without concrete evidence, the case is dismissed as an unfortunate accident.

From the first episode, it becomes abundantly clear that the death was no mere mishap. The murderer lurks among the partygoers or the household staff, their identity shrouded in secrecy. Who could have harbored such malice towards the gemstone king? This question hangs heavy over "The House Unclaimed," serving as a tantalizing hook.


Rather than unfolding in a linear fashion, the series interweaves past and present, crafting a tale rich in suspense. The editing is masterful, enhancing the high-quality production values evident from the start. Once you begin, you'll find it impossible to look away, ensnared by the intricate web of secrets and lies that await.

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